El Blog de Lingoo

Historias de algunos nuestros miembros, información de interés y consejos de la mayor red social de intercambios lingüísticos del mundo


Alojamiento en casa de familia


Today we’re sitting down with Peter Goldstein, one of Lingoo’s co-founders and Chief Executive Officer. We’ll be asking him some questions about the language holiday platform’s success to date and what the future holds as Lingoo gets ready to open the doors on its investment program.


Hi Peter, can you tell us a little bit about your experience and your role at Lingoo.


We've come a long way since the launch of our peer to peer immersion language learning site. Learn about our biggest achievements so far and why now is the time to get involved in our next phase of global business expansion by becoming an investor in Lingoo.


Over 25,000 Language Exchanges

At a time when secondary schools have all but abandoned language trips due to reduced funding and increased bureaucracy, we feel the service we provide is a crucial cog in the language learning sector.


That’s right, we’re crowdfunding. Not sure what it is, why we’re doing it or how you can get involved? Well grab yourself a cuppa and read on, we’ll tell you all about it.

What is Crowdfunding?

If you’re new to crowdfunding, you may have heard the term thrown around but are probably unsure of exactly what it encompasses. Maybe you’ve never heard of it before? Either way, allow us to explain.


¿Tienes la preparación que te cualifica para enseñar español como lengua extranjera? Pues aprovéchalo, e imparte clases de idioma desde la comodidad de tu hogar. Ya son muchos los profesores que alojan a estudiantes en su casa y además les dan clases particulares, y ganan por ello hasta 800 euros a la semana. Piénsalo; puede ser una gran idea si necesitas unos ingresos extra, o si quieres darle un giro a tu carrera.


